Friday, April 1, 2011

Nap times=Heaven

So at this moment my daughter is taking her daily nap. Jealous? Well you should be cause Sammi's nap times have become something of a sacred time at our house. After a morning of food, spills, meltdowns, playtime, bath time, random button pushing on all our electronics, I find that nap time is a beautiful thing. It is basically my three hours of heaven a day. I love Sammi but Sammi asleep is like a little angel. Sammi awake is like a really cute tornado. I don't pretend that Sammi is a difficult child cause as far as kids go she is pretty great, just super busy, super into everything and super energized. So I just thought I would say that I love nap times.

When Sammi is awake I love:

-Her loves!
-Her cute little voice.
-They way she jumps and lands right on her butt.
-The way she says her animal noises.
-The fact everything is "Blue" and if not blue her 2nd guess is always "Green" then "purple".
-The way she tries to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and is sounds like "Tinkle, Tinkle Star"

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